The Energy Model of Thriving Relationships
Relationship issues or lack of relationship is one of the main reasons people come to therapy. But often the bleeding factors originate in other key-life energy areas and manifest as relationship issues. AND....Relationship issues bleed other key-life areas and manifest as things such as health issues, financial issues, job problems, etc. Understanding the energy flow in and out of our lives is critical to plugging the leaks and bringing in more positive fuel.
Who we hold space for can block take up the space needed for those we love the most and who should be our top priority. Either way, everything we allow into our lives either feeds or bleeds our nine key-life energy fields and the bleed can ultimately land people in the counseling chair as a couple in jeopardy, or as a broken individual.
The Thriving Relationships coaching program teaches couples these concepts and ​participants are given weekly online live coaching sessions and a comprehensive lesson and tools to learn how each of the nine key-life areas (energy fields) interact with each other and be shown how chaos or blockages feed into the area of relationships. Each participant will get a one-on-one coaching session during the final week (week 4) and willbe able to tailor the information to his/her own lives as each key-life course offers tools for continued life-long work in that area until it becomes second nature to the participant.